Sex Tips

Sex and Sun Signs

Sex and Sun Signs

Sex is really important to keep your relationship sailing smooth forever. It is not just about physical pleasure but by giving in, you are expressing 'trust' that you have in your mate. It reflects affection, care, love and a feeling that you are wanted. If your sex life has gone for a toss, you have to work on it before your relationship is hit hard. In fact, sex has the power to put an end to conflicts in your relationship. So, discover your partners' passion points through their sun sign and keep the magic in your relationship alive.

When your lover is Aries, sex is best if it's spontaneous and unrestricted. Their heads are erogenous zones-they love it when you mess up their hair and grab their face when they are making love. They are especially aroused by their partner's sexual organs.

When your lover is Taurus, the sexual nature involves all of the senses. Touch and smell are supremely important to these lovers. These lovers don't have a reputation for spontaneity or variety, but they are good at what they do nonetheless.

When your lover is Gemini, use words in bed with them. Talk turns them on, and they love to kiss! Oral pleasures are extra special for these lovers. They love role-playing, as long as it is varied.

When your lover is Cancer, you'll get one of the most sensitive and sweet lovers. They are turned on by slave scenarios, and they may like it when you're a little mean and aggressive in bed, as long as they know you love them.

When your lover is Leo, the fantasies often revolve around devotion and attention. These people are most turned on when their partner thinks they are gods or goddesses. They can sometimes come on too strong, and get impatient when their needs are not met soon enough.

When your lover is Virgo, there is generally a healthy attitude towards sex. Simple and sweet is the way they like their bed partners. They can be a little insecure about their own bodies, and they make up for it by paying close attention to their methods of turning you on.

When your lover is Libra, extra care is taken to please the partner. They love working on getting things right, and are especially turned on by role-playing sex games. They are givers in bed, but they fully expect you to give equally in return.

When your lover is Scorpio, the sexual nature can be quite complex. These lovers are willing to do almost anything, and they enjoy full-body pleasures. The most passionate of all signs, Scorpios are known to have sex always on their mind.

When your lover is Sagittarius, sex is treated rather like a sport. Laughing and rough-housing are huge turn-ons. The best way to approach sex with these people is to just do it.

When your lover is Capricorn, sex that is straightforward and simple is generally best. They can be quite happy with consistency, as variety is less important to them than is security in sexual expression. Do not expect any creative or zany positions, but expect it to be good.

When your lover is Aquarius, there is a 'take it or leave it' style that can be sexy or maddening, depending on the audience. Sex from a distance, like cyber or phone sex, or affairs that don't break up marriages, can be especially attractive to these folks.

When your lover is Pisces, a subtle approach to flirting and sex is taken on. In general, they prefer non-verbal expressions of love and are attracted to imbalance. Self-sacrifice, compassion, and even religion can be mixed into their sexual expression.
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